Work in progress

Damage Control

Some new holds expands the line adding variety to the grips with some diversity but still the signature shiny dual-tex.

Limited edition

Flathold T-Shirts

A new creative project developed in collaboration with Swiss designer Dimitri Jeannottat.  

Official holds and macros producer

Selected as IFSC Official
Sport Equipment.

Flathold brushes

We make holds, we study texture and grip, we climb outside so we know how important brushing can be. We swiss designed the best possible brush in 2 sizes for all holds and textures on rock or plastic.

Our Team

Insta feed

We are on Instagram,
find our publications and share your photos
and videos using #Flathold



Project Climbing, Romain Thevenot

103 Brunswick Road

Bunswick East, VIC 3057

Interested by
our products, ask for
the price list